не могу не поделиться еще

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не могу не поделиться еще бетонными сооружениями, маскирующимися в природе. Где беседка, где сторожка, а где и дзот..

Stone carving of the Giant TIBER (ROME) at VILLA LANTE (Italian Renaissance Garden, 1566), VITERBO — TUSCANY, ITALY

Italy's Garden of Monsters in Bomarzo

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sculptural work of Pier Francesco Orsini (1528-1588) and built near the Orsini Castle near Bomarzo, in the province of Viterbo.

Gate to William Ricketts Sanctuary in the Dandenong National Park near Melbourne, Australia. The park is full of sculptures which embraces Aboriginal spirituality and respect for the natural world.

The Appennine Colossus, Italy

Isola, Capri, Italy.


:       Located in Villa di Pratolino in Tuscany, Italy:

The Appenine Colossus :: Located in Villa di Pratolino in Tuscany, Italy

Italy's Garden of Monsters- in Bomarzo

Bomarzo garden, Italy.

Botanical Gardens (Children's Garden), Albuquerque, New Mexico

Montreal's Botanical Garden

The Green Man, Singapore Botanical Garden

Atlanta Botanical Garden

Mosaïcultures Internationales Montréal has invited countries all over the world to submit their most awe-inspiring horticultural sculptures.

Creating Garden Rooms- this, if i know my irish mythology correctly, is the green man

This green man makes this garden look as though it's tended by someone who loves his/her work.:

This green man makes this garden look as though it's tended by someone who loves his/her work.

Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, Ampfield, Hampshire, Garden Sculpture


          //ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/upcyclerecycle-project-creating-a-succulent-garden-birdbath/:       Dichondra Silver Falls hanging plant with succulents on top make a jellyfish-like arrangement! MUST try this!!! Looks like the top succulents are planted on an upside-down mesh planter? Will edit if I find out more!: