oooasp написал: Ролик запилил

  • Томск
oooasp wrote:
Ролик запилил про то, "а как в стойку попасть?"

фигасе! По какому принципу он работает?

апд: о, сам нашел:

Electronic stud finders, also known as internal capacitor stud finders, are considerably more accurate than any type of magnetic detector. They make use of sensors, which can detect changes in the relative permittivity, or dielectric constant of a wall. The relative permittivity of a wall changes when there is a stud behind it. A lower reading means there is a stud in the wall. 

The most recent innovation in types of stud detectors is the instant stud finder. These have multiple sensor plates, which take numerous readings simultaneously and are not hindered by erratic wall textures as center stud finders often are. Nor does the user need to sweep them over broad sections of a wall. They make use of the multiple readings and an algorithm to find the the center and edges of studs, and which regions of the wall has studs and which regions do not. Instant stud finders can also detect the location of multiple studs at once and indicate the width of found studs.

типа, измеряет диэлектрическую проницаемость несколькими сенсорами в разных точках, сравнивает и вычисляет: где она изменяется — там и стойка.