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  • Томск

про трамвай в гонконге: http://www.chinadailyasia.com/opinion/2015-09/04/content_15312186.html

The simple logic is that if trams are abolished, more road space can be used by cars and then traffic jams will ease. Nevertheless, this argument is an over-simplification which also has weaknesses. This suggestion will work only if the rights of road users are reduced so as to ease the traffic volume. However, if trams were not allowed to travel between Admiralty and Central, the vacant road space left by trams would soon be filled up by other vehicles. This means the number of road users would not actually decrease and traffic congestion would remain.

The central assumption behind the suggestion is that there would be no increase in traffic volume after abolishing trams. The truth is there would be a smoother traffic flow immediately after trams were taken off the roads. But once people learned that the traffic flow in Central had become smoother, more cars would drive through Central. This suggests that traffic congestion in Central cannot be resolved unless the increase in road space far exceeds the increase in traffic volume. Therefore, it is an unconvincing argument to say that traffic flow will improve if trams are abolished.